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Quebec focus「魁北克焦點」ONLINE電影節// Online Film Festival
1905 國際人權電影節「魁北克焦點」及「包容與非歧視」網上版 與魁北克電影製作者問答 請參加慶誌魁北克電影世界中充滿活力生氣圖像,洞悉其他世界,打破偏見,典型化解歧視。
2部長片加上10部短片,免費獨立收看由5月24日(週日)至 6月14日(週日)
The online edition of the 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival "Quebec focus" - "Tolerance and non-discrimination" and Q&A with Quebec filmmakers!
Join us to celebrate the cinema of Quebec with this vibrant collection full of lush imagery, insight into other worlds, and filmmakers breaking down prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination! 10 short films and 2 feature films to view for free in isolation comfort over from Sunday 24 May until Sunday 14 June.
In 2020, the 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival will host the first special Quebec Focus session of works by filmmakers from Quebec, Canada. To celebrate this showcase, the 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival is partnering with Cine Tapis Rouge for special online film screenings events for our audience in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. These screenings offer a digital platform where people from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan can learn more about the Quebec film scene, and filmmakers from Quebec can promote their work internationally, as well as represent Quebec abroad, promote international cultural exchange and share their knowledge with young filmmakers.
3片將以長片在youtube,youku 及weibo 給無上限中港台觀眾
From the 24th of May to the 4th of June we will release one movie per day, that you can watch and leave a question for a film director, which we will collect and record a Q&A with each director, to be published on social platforms too.
For the Short movies session, we received over 1000 submissions and selected 10 short films with 3 movies to be shown at our Feature movies session to be presented on Youtube, Youku, and Weibo for the unlimited number of viewers from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. We also plan to host an online Q&A with Quebec filmmakers to present their work and answer questions from the audience, invite journalists from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to cover this event and review movies. All movies and materials will be translated to Chinese and English.
由5月24日(週日)至 6月14日(週日)備有連結,只限中港台觀眾使用
Press "Going" now to be notified about films to be released
- 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival;
In partnership with:
- Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong;
- Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec;
- Bureau du Québec à Shanghai;
我們亦特別多謝各義工 // We also want to thanks our volunteers, who helped us with a translation work:
-宋雨菡 ( Yuhan Song)
-胡科 (Madison)
- Lucerna Ignis
-熊晨珺(Chenjun Xiong)
-黑猫家的阿兔 (Molly Xu)
-"Rainbow Descendants"
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